

Ahh, this is ridiculous.

I'll put it into writing so may seem like less of a massive flood of stuff to do. Or it may seem like more. Either way, organization should help?

Due Monday:

1) study for another ridiculous Abnormal Psych exam.
After I took the last one, I passed out on the floor of the testing center. It's freezing in there. I don't understand why they feel like they can afford to pay to keep the air conditioning at 60 degrees, but not to pay enough staff to keep it open for reasonable hours on weekends.


1) "Life Script" project for Personality Theory. Haven't started yet. This is basically an in-depth self examination from ages 3-18. And I'm serious when I say in-depth. There are questions about family, favorite TV shows, most embarrassing moments... and of course you're required to analyze how these had an effect on your life and ideologies and EVERYTHING. Counts for a HUGE part of my grade.

2) Tri-color painting for Design. I hate painting with acrylic. I'm absolutely horrible at it. And this painting is looking absolutely horrible. I'm considering trashing it and starting over, but I've already wasted 9 hours of my life on it. Grrr.


1) Study for a Spanish exam. This shouldn't be too big of a deal - I have skipped the majority of my classes since the last exam, but I'm not concerned. The class is a joke. The professor is a joke. But at least she's understanding and likes me so I don't lose grade points for not coming to class. I hope.

2) Film analysis for Abnormal Psych. This one could actually be fun, if I had more time to enjoy it. I almost convinced someone to do it for me today. This person seems to have developed a strong addiction to my chocolate chip cookies, and was ready to kill for another batch. Not commit plagiarism for me, though, apparently.

Then I'm going to Colombia for ten days (hope I can find some sort of internet cafe, or my NaBloPoMo dreams are screwed)...

And due the day I get back:

1) Mental Health Issues Survey for Abnormal Psych. I already have all my interviews done; now all that is left is to analyze trends and correlations, 2-3 pages. Cake.

2) Final Project in Spanish. I think this is supposed to be some some of short insrtuctional speech... I really should find out soon, I guess. Shouldn't be hard - I'm going to be working on it whilst in a Spanish-speaking country.

And then: 1) Major, million-page personality theory thesis, 2) Final project in Design, 3) Personality Theory final, 4) Abnormal Psych final, 5) Design vocab final, 6) Abnormal Psych clinical analysis video...

and I really, really, hope that's all.

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