

I realize it has been less than 7 hours since my last post, but I'm doing another one anyway. I really should devote as much of tomorrow (today) as I can to working on projects.

I was talking with one of our regulars tonight about school, life, jobs, etc., and he was telling me about how he took a few years to just live in other countries, backpack in places that are off the beaten track, and basically just soak in culture. I want to do this so badly - I wonder if it's even possible for me to do it, though. I gather (from the fact that this guy is went to a pretty prestigious university, is well-dressed, well-groomed, unemployed, and not actively seeking work) that money was not a huge issue in his case. But it definitely would be in mine.

Also, I think I should probably satisfy a good deal of my wander-lust before I settle down, buy a house, raise a family... still not sure by what age I want to do that, but I can foresee the difficulties of globetrotting with all those obligations weighing me down.

But then, I do want my kids to be bilingual. If not trilingual.

I also want to marry Bruce Willis, but I'm not sure how good my chances are there, either.

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