
Sweet Cuppin' Cakes!

I've been on a bit of a cupcake kick lately - a wonderful, wonderful person bought me these three books, and I'm completely in love with making tiny, delicious, pastries of joy and cuteness. I even use the mini tins for extra cuteness, and because the pastelitas I make are super rich and hard to handle in anything larger than bite-sized form.

My latest creation is from the brilliant Cupcake Bakeshop blog. I find it adorable how Chockylit describes these as "simple," and "relatively easy to put together." In my mind, simple is adding a few eggs and a quarter cup of vegetable oil to a box of cake mix. But nevertheless, these are amazing.

Dark Chocolate Raspberry Cupcakes

chocolate cupcakes stuffed with rasberry chocolate ganache and frosted with chocolate glaze and buttercream

Oh, em, gee. I don't even want to think about how many calories these little guys have. But so, so, worthwhile.

and, as promised, my visual aids to accompany last night's post.

Amigurumi Rabbit
amigurumi bunny
yarn: cascade 220 in blue and aqua (don't remember the real color names)
hook: g, I think.

Bayerische WIP
eunny's bayerische
yarn: dream in color smooshy in lipstick lava
needles: sz 1 dpns


Voulez-Vous Crochet Avec Moi?

yeah, you do.

This is just going to be a quickie (ha), because I'm seriously exhausted and I have cupcakes in the oven, but I feel like I should update my legions of fans on how my creative enterprises are coming, bi-monthly at least.

I've been crocheting - I found a pattern for an amigurumi coffee cup, and never looked back. I also made an oddly-shaped-yet-adorable bunny, and two freeform bees. Love how fast it goes compared to knitting. Still love the knitted fabric better for clothing, but crochet is sturdier, and better suited to toys (hey, like amugurumi!).

I was feeling hardcore a couple of days ago, so I cast on for Bayerische (anyone have any idea how to pronounce that?)... and those babies have teeth! I'm cableing sans cable needle to make it even scarier, yet admittedly, easier for myself.

Work is actually going okay; I only had one week of insane Tuesday and Wednesday classes while my boss has been gone, and I've gotten a break from them this week and last week. My Monday class is wonderful - it's just four mind-blowingly talented 12-14 year olds who make a masterpiece of whatever project I assign them with little or no help from me. I actually got to paint and draw with them yesterday and made a halfway-decent picture.

iPhone update for iPod Touch? Totally worth the ten bucks. As long as I'm within range of some wi-fi, I can do everything an iPhone can do except make phone calls and use Shazam (no microphone =[ ). Excitement.

That's all - pictures tomorrow, possibly. I'm kind of a picture tease, and I apologize. It's nighttime, and there is no decent lighting in my house whatsoever.

oops, accidentally posted with the date and time from when I thought up the clever title (about a week ago), and just now fixed it, so if this is in your blogroll twice, I'm dreadfully sorry.


Taking Care of Business

Work has been pretty crazy lately. My boss is pretty disorganized (I sympathize - we're artists, not accountants), and occasionally I end up having to pay the price for her lack of foresight. I've become used to having the project I'm going to teach explained to me at the literal last minute, but this week I had to make it up as I went along with two classes - one of which had twelve 6-10 year-olds. And of course, only half the class arrives on time, so I'm constantly jumping back and forth between steps to help the latecomers catch up. Also, during the summer, there are always kids going out of town who want to know when they can do a make-up class. That was so much easier to deal with when we had our own place - people could come in pretty much any time we were open - but now we have to find a class in the next session for them to come to. And these sorts of inquiries are always made in the middle of class, with dozens of noisy kids all asking for help making various parts of a clay monkey pencil holder that I'm making up on the spot. Utter Chaos.

Now my boss is going out of town for three weeks, leaving me to basically run the business. I am, in fact, freaking out slightly. But maybe now that I have all the projects ahead of time I'll be able to divert some disasters (like leaving all our glazes at the other facility when all the entire class had left to do was paint their clay pieces. that was a fun day). My entire schedule has changed - thank God for iCal or I'd never show up at the right place at the right time. I'm also going to have to start dressing a little more professionally so parents will take me seriously. Last week someone asked me what my "qualifications" were, and I was a little taken aback. Am I qualified? I finally decided to call myself an art student, even though I'm majoring in Spanish/Psych/Chem and haven't taken any college art classes to speak of yet. Makes me sound legit.

I've been knitting a little bit, but there are so many things I want to make, that I end up starting a million projects at once and never finishing any. I'm almost done with Hello Yarn's top down bonnet (figure-8 cast on is freaking brilliant), but I probably made it far to small to fit any normal baby. Damn gauge.

I did flickr (yes, that's a verb) some pictures of thank you cards I made for people who sent me especially large graduation checks - here's one of my favorites:

Thanks IV

Uniball ink pens = love.