
oh, Life, with your colorful surprises.

so, the whole philosophy of going where life takes you doesn't always work.

you have to make decisions every now and then.

and if you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice (wisdom from Rush).

I don't want to, though. I want someone else to decide for me, and for the choice they make to be the right one.

at the very least, I don't seriously regret any of the choices I've made so far.
...but I'm young.


walk along the open road of love and life - surviving if we can.

mmm. I am feeling very at peace with the universe.

feeling so forgiving, I even changed my ex-ex-ex boyfriend's name in my phone book from "Ignorant Slut" to "Loserface." :)

more and more things are falling into place. new job finally came through for me (free coffee is mine once more), I THINK I figured out what I still need to transfer to UTD (just need to get admissions on the phone and apply for scholarships), and post-break-up complications are fading fast.

there was a brief interim of uncertainty on all those points, but just when I was getting worried nothing was going to work out like I wanted, it all turned around. this is why I love life :)

I've been lucky enough to meet some very interesting and inspiring new people lately, and I'm back to teaching artsy kids with the Purple Crayon, so I'm thinking a creative revival is in store for this summer. I threw a few pots on the wheel yesterday (the heat dries them so much faster and makes my lack of bats much less of a problem), and am going to start cranking them out to sell for supplementary income (shoe moneys).

I know I say this every other post, but I really am going to take some pictures of all my crap to shamelessly promote myself in the near future. look forward.

side note: this just solidifies my total geek status, and I'm almost a little embarassed to mention it, but I almost have 50 followers on Blip.fm, and it makes me freaking excited. 48 people appreciate my taste in music. geeeeeeeekgasm.


so long to devotion - you taught me everything I know.

wave goodbye, wish me well.

you've gotta let me go.


every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end.


thanks, marmie.

"you should marry _____ - you two would have really cute kids."

- my mother, a woman who knows what really matters in a relationship.