I'm not terribly sure of the fiber content, because most of this was very graciously donated by the ladies of The Texas Twisters (aww :]), but I think L to R:
Black alpaca fingering weight, rose quartz alpaca/wool worsted, pink corrisdale wool DK/sport, gray alpaca/ wool worsted.
yayy, I'm a spinner!
Oh, and chalk up two new knitters: a random friend of my sister's learned to knit and purl purfectly in about a half hour (hate. hate.), and my dad's been knitting for a few weeks now, and got hit on by a stewardess when he pulled out his garter stitch dishcloth on the plane. Hehe.
Ninja post, but that last part is particularly awesome.
You should meet my friend Meagan: http://meaganclaire.com/
Oh, and yes, a fancy-link-tracker-backer told me where you live.
That's a little scarry.
Your blog is sooooooo sweet. And you are rocking on, young lady!
See you tomorrow.
Are you already aware of this: http://www.ravelry.com ?
I am so very aware of it...
I spend most of my waking hours being aware of it. It's worse than facebook.
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