It's rough, and my drawing skills are grossly underdeveloped, but I kinda like it. Remember my grease monkey fantasy? Well I've also had a tattoo artist one for a long time too. Something about making art that is more or less permanent is so appealing to me. Any real tat artists want to clean it up and ink it on my arm?
I've been pretty uninspired in my fiber ventures since the weather's been warmer (I haven't knitted a stitch since spring break. shock.), but I did a little dyeing the other day.
What with? Why, easter egg dye of course. After easter, Walmart had five million little kits for 17 cents each, and I stocked up. Now not only do I have several dozen little egg holders, I also have brand-spanking-new pink yarn!
I used Cascade Ecological Wool, soaked in water for about an hour so the dye would take evenly, heated enough water to cover a skein in a huge canning vat, and added vinegar (about a cup), salt (a couple teaspoons), and 5 or 6 dye pellets.
I stirred it carefully (to avoid felting) until it started to boil, turned off the heat, and let it sit for several hours while I finished beating Guitar Hero III on Medium (still can't get past Slash on Hard). When I checked, the dye bath was totally clear, and the yarn was beautiful and vinegary-smelling.
I still have a ton of dye and bare yarn left, so I'm totally going to dye another day.
In other, less exciting, actually kind of sad news; my cat, Paige, has a tumor. He went under the knife the other day and they got a lot of it out and sent it to a lab to see if it's benign or not. We'll probably find out today or tomorrow. For now, he has a gnarly looking belly and we're feeding him mangosteen juice three times a day.
To avoid ending on a depressing note: I'm graduating in 42 days!
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