

Okay, so, I'm done keeping track of my caffeine addiction. It's rather embarrassing, and it's not telling me anything I didn't already know. Instead, I'm thinking about starting a 365-day self portrait project. Worth going pro on flickr to make a set just for that? Probably. Convince me.

Anyway, I was bored for a few hours on Saturday, and tried to make a dent in my crazy blogroll. It was up to several thousand unread posts (a ton from CRAFT Magazine's Blog, which, by the way, is amazing.), and I got totally inspired. Not a fan of traditional bookmark-it-with-some-ingenious-filing-technique-and-hope-you'll-be-able-to-find-it-again-when-you-want-it techniques, I put my favorites on tumblr. I think I'm going to keep it pretty well-updated (i.e., more so than this blog), so if you're looking for inspiration of a crafty nature, definitely RSS-feed me.

Apologies for the blatant lack of pictures lately; the MacBook doesn't have a card reader, so I would actually have to not be lazy and borrow the one in the computer room to upload some. I do, however have several rather poor-quality PhotoBooth pictures of my most recent knitting project which I refuse to put on flickr because of their lameness, but I will upload to Blogger for your viewing enjoyment. Unfortunately, I am wearing a mustache in all of them.

This is the beret I meant to finish for Gibson's birthday (in March), but ran out of yarn, and didn't get around to buying more until now. Basic, top-down construction, with Cascade 220. I'm considering blocking it with a record to add more of an edge, but I kind of like it floppy too - opinions?


BEESTLYproducts said...

that Craft: blog is like upwards of thirty posts a day..... it's insane. my bloglines is always at like 500 unread b/c of it.

i think the pics are funny.

BEESTLYproducts said...

ohhhh btw!
you could use a dinner plate so you don't warp ur records :-)