There's Madame Defarge, from Tale of Two Cities fame; the domiKNITrix, a true mistress of the yarn and needles... and then there's me, of course.
my finished Fibonacci Frequency hat for HA2
- my Therapi arrived just in time, so I used that instead of the merino. Gotta say, I wasn't too impressed with it for $10 a 110 yard skein. It had a good number of knots (it was knotty. you know what we do to knotty yarns, don't you?), and knit up it bears an uncanny resemblance to Simply Soft ($2 for 315 yards)... the made-from-jade part is still pretty cool, but I'm still probably not going to buy it again.
So! It's in the mail - should arrive to kill its target before 3 tomorrow (spent an arm an a leg on postage. but at least I'll still have my arms and my legs, which is more than I can say for my unlucky victim).
Now there's nothing left to do but wait... and check the mail every day in fear.
In other news, I've had some surprisingly good luck on the job-hunting front. I had an amazing interview for a receptionist position with a random company that was recruiting on campus, and they're supposed to call today. AND the coffee shop I applied at a few weeks ago and had kind of given up on called me this morning to set up an interview on Monday.
So I have a bit of a dilemma. The receptionist job is not very appealing to me (expect for the salary, the potential for career advancement, the benefits, and how good it'll look on my resume) - I'm afraid it'll be a bit of a The Office situation (though the boss seems about 100 times more competent than Michael), and I'd be Pam of course. And I really have no need for yet another Pam/Jim-type relationship, which is clearly inevitable if I become the office receptionist/art student. But still. Lots of benefits.
And then there's Escape, basically the coffee shop in Allen. I'd be around coffee all day (that's almost enough to sell me by itself), be able to see friends, dress more casually, get free coffee, have more varied shifts (I think the receptionist job is your basic 9-5), and... did I mention coffee? Downsides are the lower pay, the early mornings, and the possibility of having to deal with people I don't like who live in the neighborhood (I swear, everyone and their mother goes to this place). But... I've been dying to be a barista for years now.
So I really don't know. But neither of them have made legitimate offers yet, so it may work itself out in the end.
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