Well, a friend of mine (Lord David of Houck) was inspired by these geeks and decided to have a marathon of his own. And it just happens to start today. And being a bit of a closet geek myself, I'm going to be participating. Not for the full four days, mind you (work and social obligations prevent it - also, don't know if spending four days with a bunch of guys playing video games wouldn't be hazardous to my health), but I'm going to play through at least tonight.

We're called Save Point, and our first marathon will be a play-thru of Final Fantasy VII. I highly reccommend you watch us - with the group we have, there are bound to be some pretty entertaining moments. Also, I've never played FFVII, so you'll get to laugh at me and my n00bness. Our goal is to raise $2000, so if you can chip in a buck or two (and tell your friends about us), we'd be very grateful.
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